Tips for a comfortable, happy and safe visit ...
Mosquito Trivia ...
- A mosquito lives for approximately 20 days.
- Most mosquitoes fly less than a mile during their lifetime, but the ferocious salt-marsh mosquito - found in the Everglades and other coastal locations - can migrate 75 - 100 miles.
- Malaria parasites have evolved resistance to Chloroquine ... and then to several successor drugs. This plant-derived medicine killed the parasites before they gained a foothold in their victim.
- Increase in travel and international trade has moved drug-resistant parasites around the world.
- There are approximately 2,700 species of mosquitoes, and more than 50 species are resistant to at least one insecticide.
- The male mosquito never sucks blood - he drinks nectar - and the females drink more often than necessary.
- Mosquito saliva and rat poison both contain anti-coagulants ... chemicals that prevent the blood from clotting.
- A mosquito has 47 teeth!
- The female mosquito will drink about 5-milllionths of a litre of blood in one sitting.
- A mosquito weighs about 2 - 2.5 milligrams (for an Aedes aegypti).
- A striff breeze will keep the mosquitoes at bay.
- Mosquitoes can fly at an estimated 1 - 1.5 miles per hour.
- Bug zappers do work. However, several critics say these zappers fry more beneficial insects than harmful ones, including the insects that eat mosquitoes.
- Swallows, Purple Martins, Bats and some predatory insects, enjoy a good meal of mosquitoes. The ecological approach could be to put up a bat-house. Bats gobble hundreds of mosquitoes each hour!
- A mosquito needs stagnant water to lay eggs.
- A mosquito can survive at sea level and up to altitudes as high as 10,800 feet (3,600 meters).
- Mosquitoes find you by sight - observing movement - and the infra-red radiation emitted by warm bodies.
- A mosquito can smell a new host from between 20 - 25 meters away.
- Some people are unusually attractive to mosquitoes, depending upon one or more of the 300-odd chemicals produced by the skin.
- Aside from skin chemicals, mosquitoes have other ways of finding you - they can detect both carbon dioxide and lactic acid (produced by metabolism in your muscles) in your breath.
- Mosquitoes prefer blondes and vegetarians. They are attracted to one of the chemicals released by the metabolism used for digesting vegetables.
- Mosquitoes do not like Vitamin B or Iron.